By supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal, you help provide funding for essential ministries throughout the eleven-county area of the Diocese of Scranton. Through our unity and stewardship, we are able to attend to the physical and spiritual needs of our friends and neighbors throughout Northeastern and North Central Pennsylvania.
Answer Our CallYour Support in Action
Thanks to your generous support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we are able to fund the following ministries, plus many more.
by Catholic Social Services food pantries

Your Support in Action
Thanks to your generous support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we are able to fund the following ministries, plus many more.
provided to those in need

Your Support in Action
Thanks to your generous support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we are able to fund the following ministries, plus many more.
at various states of formation

Your Support in Action
Thanks to your generous support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we are able to fund the following ministries, plus many more.
educated in Catholic Schools

Your Support in Action
Thanks to your generous support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we are able to fund the following ministries, plus many more.
by Catholic Social Services food pantries

provided to those in need

at various states of formation

educated in Catholic Schools

Our Supported Ministries

Catholic Communications
Catholic Communications
The Diocesan Office for Communications spreads the Good News of the Catholic Church by utilizing all forms of media including the internet, television, radio, newspapers…
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Catholic Social Services
Catholic Social Services
With your support, we provide vital assistance to thousands of individuals and families facing poverty and hardship each year. Your gifts allow us to provide…
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Catholic Education
Catholic Education
There are 19 Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Scranton that educate more than 4,400 youth and young adults. The Diocese is committed to educating…
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Clergy & Seminarian Support
Clergy & Seminarian Support
Your financial gift to the Diocesan Annual Appeal helps ensure that our seminarians are formed well and that they become holy men with a love…
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Parish Life
Parish Life
The Diocesan Office for Parish Life provides leadership formation, spiritual renewal and many other resources for all parishes. Working in collaboration with clergy and lay…
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Parish Grant Support
Parish Grant Support
Your generosity to the Diocesan Annual Appeal funnels directly back into your own community in many different ways – including directly through Social Justice Grants…
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Angela Howland, Clarks Summit

Rev. Jeffrey D. Tudgay, Pastor, Cathedral of Saint Peter, Scranton

Joseph Mahoney, Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Social Services

Harry Lyons, Program Supervisor, Mother Teresa’s Haven Shelter

Nancy Craig, Hazleton, Saint Joseph Food Pantry Client & Volunteer

LeeAnn Lywiski, Hazleton Material Assistance Supervisor, Catholic Social Services

Dominique Jordan, Carbondale Food Pantry Supervisor, Catholic Social Services

Richard Ward, Catholic Social Services Volunteer

Finn Heffron, Fourth Grader, Epiphany School, Sayre

Evelyn Owen, Sixth Grader, Epiphany School, Sayre

Madelyn Nash, Graduate, Saint Agnes School, Towanda

Rev. William A. Asinari, Newly Ordained Priest

Jan Carlo Perez, Seminarian, Saint Matthew Parish, East Stroudsburg

Linda Sampson, Marian Ministries, Tioga County

Laurie Coffee, Marian Ministries, Tioga County

Elle Troynacki, Vacation Bible School Participant, Saint John the Evangelist Parish