Parish Life
The Diocesan Office for Parish Life provides leadership formation, spiritual renewal and many other resources for all parishes. Working in collaboration with clergy and lay leadership, the office aims to help all people live out their faith fully, share it freely with others and transform the world in Christ.
The Office for Parish Life also provides regional and Diocesan level events for ministry formation, youth and young adult engagement and pastoral planning. The office also handles marriage preparation classes, family life ministry and pro-life advocacy.
How your funds help Parish Life
Your support impacts the lives of those living throughout Northeastern and North Central Pennsylvania and enables us to continue to serve the needs of others. Any contribution you are able to make to the Catholic Ministries Appeal will truly make a difference.
supported by Parish Life staff as each journeys to become a fully participative community of lived faith

Couples who married
were assisted last year

come into full communion with the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Program, thanks to Provided resources and assistance

Linda Sampson, Marian Ministries, Tioga County